About Camarines Sur Province, Philippines
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Camarines Sur Province
is a province of the Philippines located in the Bicol Region in Luzon. Camarines Sur is the heart of Bicol. Its capital is Pili and the province borders Camarines Norte and Quezon to the north, and Albay to the south. To the east lies the island province of Catanduanes across Maqueda Channel.

Camarines Sur is the largest among the six provinces in the Bicol Region both in terms of population and land area. It's territory encompasses two cities: Naga City, the lone chartered city, is the province's and the region's commercial, educational, financial, and cultural center, while Iriga City, a component city, is the center of the Rinconada area.

Capital: Pili
Land Area: 5,497.03 km²
Population: 1,822,371 (2010)
Cities: Naga and Iriga
Munacipalities: 35
Barangays: 1 063
Districts: 1st to 5th districts of Camarines Sur
Languages: Central Bicolano, Rinconada Bicolano, Albay Bicolano, Tagalog, English

People and Culture__

The province is also the center of religious observances. There are numerous festivals that prove how devoted the people are to their religion. The feast of Our Lady of Peñafrancia, the patron of the Bicolanos, is one of the country’s most important festivals celebrated every month of September in Naga City. The festivity starts with a penitential procession at dawn participated by the barefooted, male devotees of Our Lady and boat races on the river in the morning. At around noon, the Virgin´s image is carried aboard a decorated barge for a fluvial procession. In Iriga City, the famous Tinagba festival is held every February to honor the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. The townspeople offer their benevolent harvest to the Gods in expressing their thanks. During the festivity, a parade is held featuring the colorful and grandiosely decorated carabao-drawn carts filled with the products harvested from their farms.


Agri-based, producing rice, corn, feedmeal, freshwater fish, livestock. Entrepreneurs engage in trading, often branching out towards neighboring provinces in the south as local demand might be limited, indicated by its mostly 3rd-5th income class municipalities.


In 1942, Japanese forces entered and occupied Camarines Sur.

On March 8, 1942, three months after Japanese Imperial Forces landed in Legazpi and Naga City, the famous Tangcong Vaca Guerilla Unit (TVGU) was organized in San Nicolas, Canaman with Juan Miranda as the Commanding Officer, Leon Aureus as the Executive Officer and Elias Madrid as the Finance Officer. Among the numerous Canamanons who joined-up soon afterwards either in the unit’s intelligence or combat components were Jose and Antonio Madrid, Mamerto Sibulo, Andres Fortaleza, Marcos Severo, Damaso Avenilla, Federico Crescini, Nicolas Vargas, Venancio Begino, Eugenio Ragodon, Juan Pachica, Santiago Amaro, Jose Gervas, Pedro Angeles, Aproniano Lopez, Andres Alzate, Modesto Sanchez, Blas Alcantara, Andres Aguilar, Florencio Frondozo, Alfredo de la Torre and Flaviano Estrada.

In 1945, Filipino and American troops along with the Bicolano guerrillas, liberated Camarines Sur from the Japanese forces towards the end of WW II.

Map of Camarines Sur Province
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